Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche

Wisdom Treasury

Longchen Nyingthik

Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche

Teaching on Rigdzin Dupa in Poland

Teaching on Rigdzin Dupa in Poland

Lopon Tsering Gonpo kindly accepted the invitation to come to Poland (Srebrna Góra) to give teaching on Rigdzin Dupa monthly practice
(general explanation, structure of the text, mudras, in the evening – guided meditation) 😊

Everybody is welcome to join us, from 28 to 30 March 2025 in the beautiful mountain scenery.

Most probably there will be a group of students coming from Belgium, so it will be possible to travel together (flight to Prague)

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Upcoming Events

Teaching Cycle


Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche

The Words of My Perfect Teacher

A Complete Translation of a Classic Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. Patrul Rinpoche makes the technicalities of his subject accessible through a wealth of stories, quotations, and references to everyday life.

Which one is your favourite chapter?

Part 1 – Chapter 6
Part 1 – Chapter 4
Taking Refuge
Part 2 – Chapter 1
Part 2 – Chapter 2

Now is the time

Now is the time

Your mind is spinning around
About carrying out a lot of useless projects:
It’s a waste! Give it up!
Thinking about the hundred plans you want to accomplish,
With never enough time to finish them,
Just weighs down your mind.
You’re completely distracted
By all these projects, which never come to an end,
But keep spreading out more, like ripples in water.
Don’t be a fool: for once, just sit tight.

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“We can free ourselves from any kind of suffering

if we understand the true nature of mind.”

Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche - Science of True Nature, Wisdom Treasury

Reading Room

The Black Guru Rinpoche Statues Project

The Black Guru Rinpoche Statues Project

The black diamond-carved Guru Rinpoche statues, which contain iron beads, relics and scriptures, can last for hundreds of years in outdoor environment. According to Guru Rinpoche’s prediction, they can be placed on mountains, rivers or caves, in lakes or in the ocean around the world to suppress and resolve various disasters and wars, liberating all sentient beings in the six realms into Buddhahood.

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A Visit from Tulku Migmed Dorje Rinpoche

A Visit from Tulku Migmed Dorje Rinpoche

We were honoured to host Tulku Migmed Dorje Rinpoche, together with his wife, at Dharma City during the summer shedra. As the eldest son of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche (Khordong Terchen Tulku Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche), the lineage holder of the Khordong and the Northern Treasures (Jangter, byang gter) traditions in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, Rinpoche’s visit strengthened even more the connection between Patrul Rinpoche’s lineage and the Jangter lineage.

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