An invitation by Patrul Rinpoche to gather for a celebration of wisdom, diligence, aspiration and faith, indulging in the supreme food of a hundred tastes and savouring the flavours of nirvana.

Zangdok Palri Institute

Enjoy the Party of Profound Samadhi

Written by Patrul Rinpoche 2007   


Oh, Guru Rinpoche, think of me!

The West is endowed with the four types of prosperity, and

Westerners have the qualities of wisdom, diligence, aspiration and faith.

The strong force of former karma and fervent wishing prayers

Have brought us together in this place to make a Dharma party.

A Dharma party consists of listening, reflecting and meditating.

The listening party is the enjoyment of the phenomena of samsara and nirvana.

The reflecting party is the enjoyment of their meaning, and

The meditating party is the enjoyment of the display of samadhi.

Serve the food and drink of samsara and nirvana in the container of knowables and

Hold the fork of the two truths. The enjoyment of the party comes from

The tongue of wisdom knowing what is delicious and what is not,

Through excellent and thorough analysis.

I hope that the desirable food, prepared by attachment, aversion and stupidity

Will not be served at this party. However,

If there happens to be some, do not eat and enjoy it, but

Throw it, instead, into the rubbish bin of abandonment.

It may be that you have no freedom and you want to eat this food.

But if you do not chew it with the thirty-two teeth of emptiness,

It will upset the stomach of the six realms and

There will be all the sufferings of the toilet of samsara.

If the enthusiastic waiter serves the excellent food and drink of nirvana

In the container of a mind bright with interest,

And if the discerning tongue faculty tastes it,

The food will make for a beautiful and excellent body.

Fortunate, youthful guests,

Hold out the excellent and precious container of listening and reflecting

For these Dharma teachings, the supreme food of a hundred tastes,

And enjoy this party of profound samadhi now.

Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche, 2007