Don’t miss out

Don’t miss out

Powa Retreat6 – 8 July Powa is a powerful practice for directing our consciousness at the time of death, also known as the means for “enlightenment without meditation”. This retreat is a special opportunity for receiving introductory teachings through a highly...
Welcome to the Nangchö Mönlam 2024

Welcome to the Nangchö Mönlam 2024

Attending this festival will bring great benefit to everyone. I invite whoever can to join this mönlam, or peace prayer. There’s a general benefit for the whole world, especially in these difficult times with so much turmoil. War, pandemic, and many natural...
Buddhism: Religion or Science of Mind?

Buddhism: Religion or Science of Mind?

Public Talk by Patrul Rinpoche, 10th of May, Brussels For thousands of years, Buddhism has offered a compelling path for those seeking liberation from suffering. But is it a religion offering a set of beliefs for spiritual guidance, or a science investigating the...
The Art of Meditation

The Art of Meditation

‘Calm abiding’ means the mind resting peacefully. In order to pacify the mind, we start from different skillful means that enable us to diminish our thoughts. Having gradually reduced the flood of our thoughts, if we habituate ourselves to maintaining the mind in its...