Articles, Featured, Reading Room, Uncategorized
Quote (Buddha Shakyamuni) From The Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish Do not disregard small misdeeds, Thinking they are harmless, Because even tiny sparks of flame, Can set fire to a mountain of hay. Do not disregard small positive acts, Thinking they are without...
Articles, Letters from Rinpoche, Reading Room, ZPI articles
An invitation by Patrul Rinpoche to gather for a celebration of wisdom, diligence, aspiration and faith, indulging in the supreme food of a hundred tastes and savouring the flavours of nirvana. Enjoy the Party of Profound Samadhi Written by Patrul Rinpoche 2007 ...
Articles, masters, Reading Room
The Birth of the Buddha in this World, His Enlightenement and Parinirvana A SHORT MESSAGE FROM PATRUL RINPOCHE ABOUT THE BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI ON THE OCCASION OF SAGA DAWA Today is a very special day. A special day for an extraordinary man, a compassionate, wise, realised...