Articles, Reading Room, Uncategorized
Wisdom Treasury is delighted to announce the release of two new French translations and one Polish translation: The True Words of the Great Rishi An explanation of the Four Noble Truths by Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche BUY HERE The Nine Gradual...
Articles, Reading Room, ZPI articles
Message from Patrul Rinpoche Written by Patrul Rinpoche, December 21st, 2024 Good morning, Dharma brothers and sisters. Today, December 21st, 2024, is almost the end of the year. Soon, the New Year will arrive. But today is also a very special day, because it marks...
Articles, Featured, Reading Room, Uncategorized
Dharma City, August 2024 Migmed Rinpoche with Jomo Gudrun, who has been a very close student of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche and is his representative, together with Tulku Ugen Chencho, Rinpoche’s youngest son. We were honoured to host Tulku Migmed Dorje Rinpoche,...