Lhabab Düchen

Lhabab Düchen

On the 22nd of November is Lhabab Düchen, the day Buddha is said to have descended from Tushita into our world. “Whatever virtue you do that day, it is very important to do it. We need virtue. Virtue is like our food. Generally, we eat and drink. Why? Because we know...
New publications by Wisdom Treasury

New publications by Wisdom Treasury

New publications available now: An Essential Compilation of Practices and Prayers In the Longchen Nyingthik Tradition |  The Wisdom of Rigpa, composed by Patrul Rinpoche | Advice to Kunzang Chögyal and  The Heart Treasure of Authentic Beings written by first Patrul...
Welcome to the Nangchö Mönlam 2024

Welcome to the Nangchö Mönlam 2024

Attending this festival will bring great benefit to everyone. I invite whoever can to join this mönlam, or peace prayer. There’s a general benefit for the whole world, especially in these difficult times with so much turmoil. War, pandemic, and many natural...
Visit our YouTube channel

Visit our YouTube channel

    Welcome to Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche’s YouTube channel – A rich and bountiful collection of Dharma teachings     Listen to the recent lecture: Public Talk in Antwerp Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche was invited by Shedroup Tengye...