Articles, Letters from Rinpoche, Reading Room, ZPI articles
An invitation by Patrul Rinpoche to gather for a celebration of wisdom, diligence, aspiration and faith, indulging in the supreme food of a hundred tastes and savouring the flavours of nirvana. Enjoy the Party of Profound Samadhi Written by Patrul Rinpoche 2007 ...
Reading Room, ZPI articles
Preserving Tibetan Culture & Heritage The Zangdok Palri Programme Creating an opportunity for authentic exchange between East and West, sharing our best in return for a deeper contact with the best in Tibetan culture is an exciting and truly worthwhile project.The...
Reading Room, ZPI articles
Patrul Rinpoche’s message about the Zangdok Palri Institute form 2009, long before inauguration. Zangdok Palri, the glorious copper-coloured mountain,is a place perceived by superior beings as the pure land of Guru Rinpoche. The perception of a pure land is the...