
Patrul Rinpoche has made the preservation, translation and distribution of the inestimable treasures of Dharma one of his greatest priorities. To allow the rain of blessings from these sacred words to touch all beings, he officially founded the Sambhota Translation Group in 2010, after more than a decade of work. The group is an integral part of the non-profit association Dzogchen Gelek Palbar Ling. The translations are published by the Wisdom Treasury publishing house.
Translations by
The STG translated the Buddha’s wisdom in its various expressions, be it texts, books or sadhanas.

Translations by
The STG translated the Buddha’s wisdom in its various expressions, be it texts, books or sadhanas.
Published texts
Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche
• The True Words of the Great Rishi
• Searching for Self-Liberation
Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche
• The Abridged Gateway to Knowledge (under review)
Pema Lungtok Gyatso Rinpoche
• The Quintessential View of the Accomplished Vidyadharas Explained in Terms of the Key Aspects of the Practice Presented as Nine Gradual Vehicles
The 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche Tenzin Lungtok Nyima
• Biography of Kyabje Zenkar Rinpoche
Khenpo Thubten Lodrö Nyima
• Introduction à la Méditation — Guide concis pour apaiser et clarifier l’esprit
• Introduction to Meditation—Concise Guide to Pacifying and Clarifying the Mind
Texts being translated (or revised)
Dza Patrul Rinpoche
• All the texts from the Patrul Sungbum that have not been translated yet.
Collections in Tibetan
• The 9 Volumes of the Kama (compiled by Gyalse Zhenpen Thaye)
• Patrul Sungbum
The following sadhanas have already been translated by the Sambhota Translation Group and are under revision (Drupchen versions for most of the sadhanas below):
• Self-liberation of Clinging (‘dzin pa rang grol) (2012): From the Atiyoga Heart-Essence, the Instructions on Self-Liberation of Clinging
• The Longchen Nyingthik Chöd Practice: The Loud Laugh of the Dakini
• Vajrasattva Sadhana discovered as a treasure by Terchen Terdak Lingpa (smin gling rdor sems) (2011-2012): The Good Path to Complete Liberation: A Ritual of Enlightened Activity Entitled “The Approach and Accomplishment of the Practice of the Enlightened Mind of Glorious Vajrasattva”
• From the Longchen Nyingthik, the Heart Essence of the Great Expanse: The Inner Sadhana of Rigdzin Düpa
• From the Longchen Nyingthik, the Heart Essence of the Great Expanse: The Root Sadhana of Mother Tsogyal, the Queen of Great Bliss, entitled The Glorious Garland of Great Bliss
• From the Longchen Nyingthik, the Heart Essence of the Great Expanse: The Secret Sadhana of Yumka entitled The Lion-Face Dakini, Singhamukha
• From the Longchen Nyingthik, the Heart Essence of the Great Expanse: The Secret Sadhana of the Great Compassionate One, the Self-Liberation of Suffering—Dugngal Rangdrol
The Sambhota Translation Group also translates additional texts or sadhanas to be used in the context of drupchens, monastic life or daily events.
Longchen Nyingthik
The STG also works on translating the Longchen Nyingthik, which is an integral part of the Dzogchen teachings or teachings on “Great Perfection”. In reality, it is a mind treasure in 14 volumes revealed by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa (1730–1798). These teachings have been preserved and mastered by many great beings, and in particular in Rudam (Dzogchen), the place of origin of our project directors. Follow this link to discover more about the origins of the Longchen Nyingthik.
As Lopön Tsering Gönpo stated:
“There are 14 volumes of scripture of the Longchen Nyingthik that we have obtained today; in addition to that, we have to search for more that may exist which we have not yet obtained. We have seen that only a few volumes from the teachings of the omniscient Longchen Rabjam and the vidyadhara Jigme Lingpa – the Dharma-cycle of the Longchen Nyingthik – have been translated. Out of these, most remain untranslated.
Following the advice of his eminence Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche, for the benefit of the great learned ones who have studied numerous disciplines and in particular, for the benefit of all sentient beings—young, old, men, women—who have a great interest in the Buddhist view, meditation, action and result, the Sambhota Translation Group has decided to translate these volumes and has the sincere and strong hope that while looking at these books, their wishes will be fulfilled. Furthermore, we welcome and accept any expert wishing to work on these translations. If the scripture volumes mentioned above have already been translated into English or are being translated, please contact us promptly via the following address We, the Sambhota Translation Group, rejoice in this work, and we will help with it as much as we can, directly and indirectly.”
Interpreting the Dharma
The STG’s interpreters, many of whom are also translators, exert their skills in numerous ways:
• Interpreting teachings and public talks for Patrul Rinpoche, Lopön Tsering Gönpo and Lopön Jampa all over the world
• Interpreting the shedra courses in which students from many different countries participate
• Interpreting meditation and philosophy courses in Dharma City
• Interpreting online teachings and classes
How to support us
There are different ways you can contribute to the activity of the Sambhota Translation Group:
• Donations
• Motivated to join the group of transcribers, translators or editors/reviewers?