Courses 2023
Rinpoche agreed to teach in Dharma City the following courses: Rigdzin Dupa Drubchen, 24 Feb-04 March 2023 | Shedras 2023: 4-13 August Cycle3, 18-27 August Cycle 1 and 2 together| Monlam 26-30 July 2023 | Powa Course 2023 | Winter Retreat 26-31 Dec 2022...
Sunday talk with Patrul Rinpoche on 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva
Training the mind with the “Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattva” Sunday talks with Patrul Rinpoche will take place on Sundays 10:00-12:00 CET until the text is finished. Rinpoche started these teachings in spring and kindly agreed to coninue this...