Thank you for your generosity!

Dzogchen Gelek Palbar Ling is a non-profit organisation founded by Patrul Rinpoche and his students. It aims at preserving and sharing the invaluable teachings of the Buddha, through the spiritual and cultural Tibetan heritage. One of DGPL’s missions is the development of Dharma City, which hosts international study programs, meditation retreats, the Sambhota Translation Group and cultural events. To a certain extent, Dharma City’s ongoing activities sustain its development and infrastructures, yet it still needs donations and volunteers.

You can support Patrul Rinpoche’s activities by making a donation in one of the following ways:

By bank transfer

to Dzogchen Gelek Palbar Ling asbl
IBAN: BE50 0682 2863 7818
Communication: donation [you may specify your goal]

Online money transfer

If you cannot make a transfer directly on our bank account, you could use an online money transfer service such as Transferwise.

By PayPal

using the button below (+ 4% PayPal cost at your charge):

By scanning the QR code

Donate with PayPal by scanning the QR code or following the link below*:


Bottom of form
*Add 4% to cover transfer costs.
*Registration on the PayPal website is not required.

Drupchen Foundation


Patrul Rinpoche teachings

We are delighted to announce the creation of a foundation to make the “Drupchen” retreats free of charge.

During these intensive retreats, prayers for peace and happiness are recited continuously and this is incredibly powerful. When many individuals come together, the power of their wholesome aspirations multiplies exponentially.

IBAN: BE50 0682 2863 7818

BENEFICIARY: Dzogchen Gelek Palbar Ling ASBL

COMMUNICATION: Drupchen Foudation + <your name>

donations patrul rinpoche centre

How to sponsor a specific aspect of Dharma City’s development?

In this brochure we introduce the current and upcoming building projects with budget estimations. ->

You can fully or partly sponsor a specific project or make a “general building donation”. In any case, please specify your purpose in the communication field of the money transfer. In some cases, you can also pay bills for building materials.

Dzogchen Gelek Palbar Ling ASBL
Rue de Mettet 300,
5620 Florennes,
+32 494 794787

Zangdok Palri Institute in Tibet: 108 stupas

The Zangdok Palri Insitute in Tibet is an important project in Patrul Rinpoche’s activity.

ZPI Zangdok Palri Institute

It is also one of the major monuments in the Dzogchen valley: a three-dimensional representation of the pure land of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava. Although the temple itself has been built with great care, the stupas above the surrounding wall have been built at low cost before the inauguration of the institute in July 2010. All 108 stupas are still there but they will definitely need to be replaced in a not-so-distant future. They will be replaced by strong, stone stupas, all carved by the same craftsman. There will be 12 groups of 8 different stupas, and an additional 12 stupas. These grouping of 8 stupas is related to major events in Buddha Shakyamuni’s life.

ZPI Zangdok Palri Institute

Patrul Rinpoche wishes to make this project a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all his students and their families, and anyone else who wishes to accumulate tremendous merit. Building a stupa is indeed extremely beneficial for future rebirths as it leaves very positive karmic imprints in the mind. There are worldly benefits, such as being reborn in a rich family, with a beautiful body and a nice voice, being attractive, bringing joy to others and having a long and happy life. However, from a spiritual point of view, it brings enlightenment.
Every stupa is estimated at 2500€. The sponsor will have the possibility to carve the name of his choice on the stupa’s base. This could be his or her own name, the name of his or her family or any other name he or she wishes to dedicate the stupa to.

Contact us if you wish to take part in this project.

Sambhota Translation Group

Sambhota Translation Group

The Sambhota Translation Group aims at translating the whole body of the sacred scriptures of the Longchen Nyingthik and the entire writings of Patrul Jigme Chökyi Wangpo.

If you wish to support the translation group, please contact us.